Automated solutions for Natural Resource Management, Smart Fisheries, Population Monitoring, Improved Seafood Production & Robotic Aquaculture

AI-enhanced image classification
Radmantis develops uncrewed systems that use robust machine learning inference to categorize and sort individual fish entering the device.
Read moreRugged, field-deployable, modular devices
We develop modular devices that can be implemented in a wide range of sites with minimal customization.
Read moreRobotic aquaculture
Radmantis operates a small-scale, commercial, indoor Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS).
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Aquaculture Management
Radmantis develops real-time solutions that allow facilities managers to monitor and remotely manage a facility's fish population
Read moreInvasive Alien Species Control
Our company develops field-deployable systems that combine advanced species classification with selective extraction of invasives.
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Preventing Entrainment at Utility Intakes
Our solutions are designed to mitigate ecological damages to fish populations at water intakes and diversion structures.
Read moreEvents, News, & Publications

Radmantis AI celebrated at HotChips Symposium
Our efforts to re-imagine fish farming with cutting-edge tools was kindly noticed. Victor Peng of AMD shared our work in his keynote address.

Radmantis has been awarded USDA SBIR Phase I funding to commercialize Advanced Imaging in RAS aquaculture - entitled "Advanced imaging transforms RAS via individualized tracking of salmon growth and welfare"

MassChallenge US Early Stage
The MassChallenge Accelerator selected Radmantis for its US Early Stage 2024 cohort, a mentorship program for high impact companies. Towards this goal we are developing autonomous and AI solutions for aquaculture and precision agritech in the Boston Innovation Space.

AMD/MassRobotics Innovation Challenge
AMD and MassRobotics have awarded Radmantis the AMD Robotics Prize to celebrate our expertise and innovative contribution to the field of robotics

BlueSwell Presentation
Delighted to have the opportunity to bring Radmantis’ technology to the attention of Senator Elizabeth Warren and other solutionaries focused on sustainable seas! At a gathering co-organized by SeaAhead and the New England Aquarium, Radmantis showcased solutions for protecting aquatic resources and sustainable aquaculture.

Radmantis has been awarded USDA SBIR Phase I funding to commercialize AI-assisted computational tools for underwater threat intelligence related to invasive species - entitled "Adapting uncrewed aquaculture management to control sea lamprey and to protect wild salmonid fisheries of the Great Lakes"

MassChallenge Blue Tech Sprint
The MassChallenge Accelerator selected Radmantis for its Blue Tech Sprint 22 cohort, a mentorship program for high impact companies with solutions for the blue tech/maritime industry. Towards this goal we are developing autonomous and AI solutions for aquaculture and agritech.

R&D at MassRobotics
Radmantis is honored to be conducting its electronics R&D for uncrewed fish management at the exquisite MassRobotics facility at the Boston DryDock.

Radmantis has been awarded NOAA SBIR Phase II funding to commercialize AI-assisted computational tools for use in RAS aquaculture - entitled "Adapting existing technologies to improve seafood production and feed a hungry world"

Radmantis has been awarded NOAA SBIR Phase I funding to commercialize AI-assisted computational tools for use in RAS aquaculture workflows.

AIF Aquaculture
The Agricultural Incubator Foundation hosts our efforts to build a commercial, recirculated aquaculture system. This facility serves as a testbed for integrating our devices for automated fish management.

2021 Sturgeon Release
Managing Director, Moira van Staaden, sponsors the release of Lake Sturgeon fingerlings from the Toledo Zoo's captive rearing program into the Maumee River.

Moira van Staaden, PhD, MOD
CoFounder & Managing Director
Moira's expertise encompasses genetics, evolution, and the quantitative study of behavior. She serves on the editorial board of scientific journals and her federally funded work promotes quantitative literacy, and the diffusion of innovation.

Robert Huber, PhD, MBA
CoFounder & Senior Researcher
At the intersection of Computing and Life Sciences, Robert is a leading developer in AI-assisted devices for fish management, behavioral phenotyping, image classification, and object detection. He authors projects in open-source development and in the maker-space movement.

Joseph Konecny, MBA
Lead Engineer - IoT
An experienced IT professional, Joe has taken the lead on structuring interactions between our deployed devices, their embedded sensors, and our cloud-based services.

Christopher Kemp
Senior Researcher
As a fisheries biologist Chris works on the early life history and survival of Percid species in the Great Lakes. In searching for quantitative solutions, he leads collaborations on fisheries and environmental projects with state and federal agency scientists.

F. Scott Hall, PhD
CoFounder & Senior Researcher
Data Scientist